July 13, 2025

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  • Not the Easiest Job

    Kevin Drum raises a legit question: Who Wants to Run California?. Indeed, I would take it a step further and ask, "Who should want to run California" in the political sense. Given that the winner, assuming Davis is ousted, is going to have a massive uphill battle, is it best for Republicans to try capture the seat? Would top name Democrats be foolish to want the position?

    It is, in some ways, a no-win situation, but I would argue that both parties should fight hard to win the seat, as it is always better to have the position, than to be in the opposition. For one thing, things could get better between nw and the next election, and the new gov will get the credit, deseverdly or not. Even if things don't improve, the new gov can claim not to have had enough time.

    Still, it shan't be fun and games for whomever it is that takes over.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at July 13, 2025 05:15 PM | TrackBack
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