July 25, 2025

Summer Reading

I have had some time to read some non-polisci and would make the following recommendations:

  • I decided to read the Harry Potter books after being quite impressed by the movies. I read the first three and was quite impressed. The first one and the movie are nigh identical, and the second one followed very closely, although with some stuff left out of the screen version. The third, The Prisoner of Azkaban was quite good (something of a page-turner) and will make an excellent film. Despite being “kids” books, these were an enjoyable read. I look forward to reading the rest.

    So, if you like fantasy, but had decided so whatever reason not to read these (I was originally going to just watch the movies) these are worth your time.

  • I just started Terry Goodkind’s Wizard’s First Rule and am now about 200 pages into it (about 1/4th through) and have been favorably impressed-enough so that I went ahead and bought the next two in the “Sword of Truth” series. And this is some serious “fat fantasy” with the books averaging around 800 pages.

  • If you like Trek novels I would recommend Peter David’s “New Frontier” novels. They are set in the TNG universe, but is based on a non-TV ship. Most of the characters are original, although a couple of the characters (Dr. Selar and Commander Shelby) were bit characters from TNG.

    Posted by Steven at July 25, 2025 02:44 PM | TrackBack
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