Dahlia Lithwick (a senior editor at Slate) has an interesting piece on the ambiguity of rape/sexual assualt laws at MSNBC. The conclusory paragraph highlights the essential problem in this particular area of the law:
We have reformed, rewritten, and rejiggered rape law, but it is still fundamentally not “fair†in the sense of providing any real legal certainty. In the end — and unless Bryant’s accuser has some shocking physical evidence — it is still her word against his. Unless we legislate mandatory threesomes, or start videotaping trysts the way some police departments now videotape criminal interrogations, what happens between two horizontal people in the dark is ultimately unknowable. While it is true that some women lie, and it is also true that some men are sexual monsters, it is not at all true that the hodgepodge that is modern rape law can discern which is which.
Source: She said, he said?
Hat Tip: Dean Esmay
Posted by Steven Taylor at August 1, 2025 09:44 AM | TrackBack