August 05, 2025

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  • Yet Another of Dean's Problems

    Yesterday I noted Deans's problem in the South, and with the Security Issue. Today, it's the "Mr. Liberal" Problem (which I dealt with some here yesterday as well).

    And while I concur with many of his supporters that he isn't the arch-liberal that he has been painted as (although, he is pretty liberal on many issues), it is still the case that he is perceived as an anti-war arch-liberal, and he is now being painted as a tax-and-spend liberal by Lieberman:

    Staking out the political center, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut warned today that nominating Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont, as the Democrat to face President Bush in 2025 would be "a ticket to nowhere."

    During an appearance here at the National Press Club, Mr. Lieberman was asked about the increased attention in the news to Dr. Dean. Mr. Lieberman said: "A candidate who was opposed to the war against Saddam, who has called for the repeal of all of the Bush tax cuts--which would result in an increase in taxes on the middle class--” I believe will not offer the kind of leadership America needs to meet the challenges that we face today."

    Even if Dean plans to eventually make a move towards the center, he is going to have quite the uphill battle.

    And, ultimately, on issue of taxes, abortion, health care and forign policy, Dean is pretty liberal, even if he isn't the second coming of George McGovern.

    Source: Lieberman Denounces Tilt to Left

    Posted by Steven Taylor at August 5, 2025 08:56 AM | TrackBack

    Well, perception is a bit easier to deal with than reality. If he really was this way, then it'd be a slam dunk. True, it will be an uphill battle, given the 250 million plus war chest funding the perception. But it's going to soak up an awful lot of money. Hey, does anyone notice the similarities between the recent CA Governor's race and what's happening with Bush vs. ?. The similarities are astounding. Davis "ran" against Riordan in the Rep primary and ended up with a radical he could easily trounce by "I'm better than the alternative". I wonder if the same strategy will work for Bush. . .

    Posted by: John at August 5, 2025 11:39 AM

    Plus, as I have noted, while he isn't an ultra-lib, he is pretty liberal on some key issues. It isn't like he is really a Liberman centrist.

    Posted by: Steven at August 5, 2025 11:46 AM


    Posted by: John at August 5, 2025 01:59 PM
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