August 09, 2025

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  • Speaking of Money...

    Interesting--especially Davis' status vis-a-vis fundraising.

    The election to recall California Gov. Gray Davis (D) and the battle to replace him will trigger a torrent of political spending that will probably exceed $50 million, with Indian tribes, wealthy Republicans, unions and other Democratic groups planning major, independent expenditure campaigns.

    There is no legal limit on contributions to such independent campaigns in California, and the vast bulk of the money will go for television commercials, traditionally the most effective way of communicating with voters in the nation's biggest state.

    Davis is not limited, either, on what he can raise from a single contributor because under the law, he is technically not a candidate. He expects to spend $15 million to $20 million in his bid to defeat the recall initiative and save his job, one adviser said.

    Film star Arnold Schwarzenegger, running as a Republican, is likely to match Davis dollar-for-dollar. Those running to replace Davis can accept no more than $21,200 in contributions from any individual, company or union, but Schwarzenegger, who makes more than $20 million a movie, will be free to dip into his personal fortune to fund the bulk of his campaign -- and he has said he will.

    Source: Calif. Recall To Trigger Money Race

    Posted by Steven Taylor at August 9, 2025 10:36 AM | TrackBack
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