August 10, 2025

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  • Another PoliColumn

    Yes, it's two-fer day.

    From today's Mobile Register:

    Say bye to Gray Davis, hello to Schwarzenegger


    Special to the Register

    Who says politics is boring? The state of California certainly is doing its best to keep us interested as it goes forward with the process to recall the current governor, Democrat Gray Davis.

    Read the whole thing here.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at August 10, 2025 07:51 AM | TrackBack

    Why is this column like meringue atop a pie? Because it's light, fluffy, looks good but ultimately non-filling. That, and both tend not to age well.

    What have the good citizens of AL learned from this column? Well, Arnold's running and he has name recognition. And Davis is unpopular and not a good bet to remain CA's governor.

    Wow. Somehow, I suspected folks in AL had that pretty well figured out.

    Now, if we were to (heaven forfend!) edify the good citizenry of AL, we might have added some facts to this column. Off the top of my head, one would think one might add info on why Davis is unpopular and why it is perceived Arnold can overcome the same obstacles. One would think there's a wealth of angles to be explored along this line: the recall and how a relatively small minority can overturn the will of the majority, Arnold's lack of experience (not to mention the fact he has only voted in 2 of the past 8 CA statewide elections), the extreme right's discomfort with Arnold, the wildly weird Darell Issa, etc.

    Secondary angles also present themselves; could recalls become a way of politics in CA, comparisons of Davis' performance with, say, George Bush, and the use of money to subvert democracy.

    Posted by: JadeGold at August 10, 2025 08:45 AM

    I would point out that no one if forcing you to read it ;)

    Posted by: Steven at August 10, 2025 12:34 PM

    Pretty snappy rebuttal, Steven. One sees how you rose to become an Asst. Prof. at Troy State;)

    But I always thought opinion columnists (of all stripes) tried to bring some new insight or a fresh approach or deeper understanding of an issue to the readership. And this is an issue positively loaded with the opportunities to add insights, approaches, and deeper understandings.

    Instead we get: Gov. Davis is unpopular, he'll probably get recalled, bigtime Hollywood star looks to benefit from name recognition and isn't that interesting?

    I'm afraid Access Hollywood has that end covered.

    Posted by: JadeGold at August 10, 2025 01:58 PM
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