August 12, 2025Nothing is Easy in the RecallWhile I do understand the fact that being at the top of the ballot gives a candidate an advantage (especially with 150+ names). However, it seems to me that this system will make it more difficult for voters to find their candidate, and, more significantly, lead to longer voter times and hence lines and waiting (not that lines and waiting are foreign to Californians...). Ironically, this system does give an advantage to people with long names... Even the alphabet is getting an official makeover as part of the California recall election. Put the ABC's out of mind. It now goes something like this (when singing, the familiar melody is still O.K.): R, W, Q, O, J, M, V, A, H, B, S, G, Z, X, N, T, C, I, E, K, U, P, D, Y, F and L. Source: How to Run a Recall Election: Begin by Juggling the Alphabet Posted by Steven Taylor at August 12, 2025 08:23 AM | TrackBackComments
Silliness abounds. Imagine if the West Palm ballots had been put together that way ;-) Posted by: Matthew at August 12, 2025 09:55 AMPost a comment