August 12, 2025

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  • It Would Be Entertaining...

    You know you are behind, when you are calling for a debate, and you know you are waaay behind when you call for a "series" of debates

    Simon called for a series of public debates where the candidates show voters how they plan to tackle the state's big problems.

    And you all thought the Democratic Interest Group Tour was crowded with the Nine. Can you imagine if even a fraction of the CA candidates showed up for the debate? They'd each get about 5 seconds for their opening and closing statements combined. It would take that long for Arnold just to say his name.

    Further, a debate with just Gallagher, Arnie, Bustamante, Mary Carey, Larry Flynt, Gary Coleman, and Arianna would be quite the show.

    Source: Simon Brings Campaign To San Diego

    Posted by Steven Taylor at August 12, 2025 08:39 AM | TrackBack
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