August 12, 2025

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  • Gore: Messiah?

    Who knew life would've been so grand had Gore just won the election?

    I suppose it would be pointless to point all of this out (scroll down to the bit about the recount)? Yes, I suppose it would.

    Hat tip: OTB.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at August 12, 2025 09:10 PM | TrackBack

    "I suppose it would be pointless to point all of this out (scroll down to the bit about the recount)? Yes, I suppose it would."

    The reason it would be pointless is not that I would not read the entry (I did). The entry simply fails to take into account my premise that did not rely on the limited request recount asked by the Gore campaign, but on the fact that 1) the finding that a statewide recount that "fixed" the overvotes, and 2) the revelations concerning the illegal voter roll purges make the results of the exit polls credible. My musings on what might have been stem from that assumption. I am entitled to those musings and we will never know if I am right or wrong.

    What is of interest is the seriousness with which you, OTB, Spoons, a shot in the dark, etc. take those musings. It seems I struck a raw nerve aided by the current situation that has given you some pause in your unfettered support for the Resident.

    Would the studious and “over-informed” Al Gore have read and acted on the CIA and NSC information that crossed his desk stopping 9-11. I believe he would. Would that have stopped the war on IRAQ, the attack on Afghanistan, the record deficit, the Patriot Act, and the Homeland Security Department? Yes I believe it would. Would that have helped the economy and the job market? Yes I believe it would. Would he have used the drones to attack the Taliban and take out Osama? Who knows but yes is as good as no.
    Did the Operation Desert Fox attacks destroy Saddams WMD’s? Well it appears that something did.

    You may wish my musings were far off the mark but in this world what might have been is only a dream. I prefer to make my what might have been a good dream. So put it down if it makes you feel superior, but your rejection of it has just as much credibility as the dream itself.

    Thank you for the link and your interest in my simple musings. I am content to have the attention.

    Posted by: Barry Bozeman at August 13, 2025 09:44 AM

    As a political scientist I wonder if you are aware of my doppelganger name sharer at Georgia Tech? Seems we are both Political Science graduates in Public Administration. He is vastly more accomplished than I. Just an odd curiosity to share the name of someone so famous in a field I once studied. I ended up as a touring sound engineer and manufacturer of professional audio equipment - and he as an authority on Red Tape.
    I am always curious about his fame in the Polisci community.

    Posted by: Barry Bozeman at August 13, 2025 01:29 PM

    I wouldn't say a raw nerve. Rather, you have to admit that your list of counter-factuals is a bit, shall we say, remarkable. It does sound like Gore would have been the Second Coming :)

    And, I suspect that I have seen the name before, but nothing specific springs to mind. But then, PA is really my field.

    Posted by: Steven at August 13, 2025 08:09 PM
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