Open Letter to Spammers
I have tried blocking them; I have tried creating rules by which to thwart them; I now try to answer them, and ask them to knock it off.
So as to save you all some time, and to help you choose which spam not to send me, please consider the following.
I don’t need a deck of cards with anyone’s faces on them.
I don’t need an “Arnold for Governor” t-shirt.
I don’t want to claim my “prize.”
I don’t take stock tips from mass e-mails.
I don’t need to meet any singles, I’m happily married, for cryin’ out loud.
I DO NOT want to see your webcam.
NO ONE can have my bank account numbers, whether you are the grandson of the deposed Sultan of Brunei’s Finance Minister’s Chamber Maid’s cousin or not.
I already refinanced my house. And I don’t have any credit card debt, thanks. And, while on the subject, I have PLENTY of credit cards. Nor do I need insurance.
I have plenty of degrees. And if I want more, I work for a University.
I really don’t think it is any of your business as to the size and functionality of my anatomy. Although just for the record, everything’s fine.
For that matter, I don't want to enhance my bust size, naturally or not.
To Mr. Video Professor: it is annoying enough that I have to see you on TV, do you have to be in my inbox as well? That goes twice (no, make that thrice) for Mathew Lesko!
To the spammers who think that I will fall for e-mail addresses like “Dad,” “Mom,” “Payroll” and so forth: please.
And, YES, I am sick of junk mail. Somehow, though, I don’t figure I will get any relief from a junk-mail purveyor.
This’ll do no good, I know. But it makes me feel better.
Posted by Steven Taylor at August 13, 2025 01:01 PM
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Get a Macintosh and run
I get about 60-80 spams a day and maybe 3 at most make it thru the spam filter. Some days done.
I saw an interesting proposal a couple of years ago to deal with spam: set mail software standards such that each email contains a piece of code that validates the "from" address and causes the sender's CPU to cycle for a few seconds. It pushes the cost of spam back on the people who send it by forcing them to buy servers to handle the CPU time.
BTW, I never did get a response on the entry of yours I pinged regarding IRV or Condorcet. Your position?