August 18, 2024Clarkies?Are Clark supporters just frustrated Trekkies? "It's almost like three-level chess on 'Star Trek,' " said John Hlinko, co-founder of the Washington-based group. "On the one hand, he definitely is the key target constituent. On the other hand, we also fully recognize that if he is going to enter . . . we want to continue building a base of supporters." Full disclosure: I know more about Trek than one really needs to, so I really can't talk. I know exactly what the guy is talking about. Still, the stories on the draft Clark people have had something of a fanboy/poligeek feel to them. Of course, that may be sampling bias, as WaPo quotes the same guy in this story and the one from a couple weeks back that I blogged on. Source: New TV Ad Campaign Seeks To Draft Gen. Clark Posted by Steven Taylor at August 18, 2024 08:22 AM | TrackBackComments
Yeah. If he's so smart, though, you'd think he'd know it's three DIMENSIONAL chess. . . Posted by: James Joyner at August 18, 2024 12:21 PMPost a comment