September 24, 2025Arnie in the WSJSchwarzenegger has a coulmn in today's WSJ and the first paragraph will be music to the ears of the fiscally conservative: I have often said that the two people who have most profoundly impacted my thinking on economics are Milton Friedman and Adam Smith. At Christmas I sometimes annoy some of my more liberal Hollywood friends by sending them a gift of Mr. Friedman's classic economic primer, "Free to Choose." What I learned from Messrs. Friedman and Smith is a lesson that every political leader should never forget: that when the heavy fist of government becomes too overbearing and intrusive, it stifles the unlimited wealth creation process of a free people operating under a free enterprise system. The piece is an optimistic ode to the need to get government out of the way of business and a reflection on California as a land of opportunity for immigrants. If he can get this message out, he will be able to siphon off some of those McClintock voters. He proposes the following:
He concludes: Our state will prosper again when we commit ourselves in California to "Free to Choose" economics. This means removing, one by one, the innumerable impediments to growth--excessive taxes, regulations, and deficit-spending. If we do this we will bring California back as the untarnished Golden State.Posted by Steven Taylor at September 24, 2025 06:47 AM | TrackBack Comments
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