September 25, 2024

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  • Pres Polls

    My reaction to the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll the other day that had Bush and Clark tied (and all the other Democrats much closer to Bush than all the previous polls) was that I thought that Gallup had over-sampled Democrats. Three new polls seem to support that hypothesis.

    If you check out's latest round-up you will see that in the Fox News/Opinion Dynamics Poll, Bush bests Clark 46-37, in the latest Zogby poll, Bush 45, Clark 35, and the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has the Bush v. Clark head-to-head at 45-38.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at September 25, 2024 08:08 PM | TrackBack


    A recent poll on name recognition showed that the majority of Americans never heard of any of these Democratic candidates.

    So they must have discarded these from the poll numbers. And the 48% saying they were democratic suggests the polltakers discarded those saying they were unaffiliated or "independent". So you don't have a good database. garbage in garbage out.

    Posted by: nancy reyes at September 26, 2024 07:33 AM


    Clark was ripe for attack, if Dean, Kerry and Gephardt had really felt threatened by him (he is, after all, leading all them in the national polls). My point is that they know full well that those national numbers aren't what they appear to be (as the NH poll I cited yesterday proves). Dean is the true front-runner,not Clark. Hence the attacks on Dean, but none on Clark. If Clark starts to threated in the state-level polling, then you are right, the attacks will start.


    Posted by: Steven at September 26, 2024 11:00 AM

    I think Howard Dean will be good presedent.

    Posted by: Honey at January 5, 2024 08:26 PM

    Howard Dean for President

    Posted by: John E LaPlante at January 5, 2024 08:44 PM
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