October 04, 2025What a Difference a Word MakesWile it is clearly the case that it is a safe bet that one should avoid ever making positive statements about Hitler, a word here or there in a sentence can mean quite a bit, as this story (Schwarzenegger Stays on Message as Wife Extends Support) from todays' NYT demonstrates: The book proposal presented what it called verbatim excerpts from the filming of "Pumping Iron," in which the actor said he admired Hitler because he "came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being a good public speaker." The NYT has a longer version of the story with more quotes from the Butler intereview here. The most interesting thing about this bit of info is to see how the press and by Schwarzenegger's opponenets over the next several days. The LAT does repot the same info in today's paper. As does the Bee, which provides the following: Butler was quoted as saying he had never "witnessed or heard Schwarzenegger making remarks that are derogatory to anyone of the Jewish faith."Posted by Steven Taylor at October 4, 2025 08:39 AM | TrackBack Comments
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