October 07, 2025

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  • ReCAL: Drawn Out Count?

    Hopefully, this will not come to pass: Officials Warn of Absentee Vote Factor in Recall Election

    More than 2 million absentee ballots had been returned to election officials by Monday, state officials said. But about 1.2 million absentee and other ballots will not be counted until well after the election, and officials said on Monday that those votes could decide a potentially close race, raising the specter of an election with no clear winner for weeks.

    Seems to me that it raises questions about deadlines for the ballots (i.e., why are 1.2 million still out there?), and also, why do so many people qualify for absentee ballots?

    Hopefully it won't be close, so that we won't have a drawn out count...although my guess is that if it is close, and Davis is on the losing end, he won't concede until the last vote is counted. I just hope that we avoid the lawsuits.

    In regards to the deadlines, for some reason, the ballots might not be counted for almost a month:

    Ms. Atkinson added: "We're not enough to throw off the statewide average, but anytime there is a close contest, you can't predict the results until all the ballots are counted and that's not until 28 days after the election in some cases. I think this may be one of those cases."

    Raising the question: what were the lawmakers thinking? Such a rule either assumes that absentee votes really don't matter, so counting them later is no big deal, or it assumes that putting off the electoral results for up to a month is no big deal.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at October 7, 2025 08:05 AM | TrackBack
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