October 07, 2025

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  • ReCAL: The Winners

    No, not the electoral winners, but the winners of the Poliblog Extra-Special ReCAL Caption ContestTM.

    For yesterday's bonus contest:

    1st, Rodney: "No, I do not feel that my wife, Maria, has become overly thin and distraught during this campaign."

    2nd, Daniel: "…and when I am Gov-a-nuh of Cali-forn-ya, I will work to bring the Quiddich Cup, and the Nimbus and Comet broom plants, and all the other magical jobs, here to Cali-forn-ya!"

    3rd, Matthew: "When I get to California, the governor will use brooms for sweeping out trash, not for throwing at staffers."

    And for the original:

    Source: AP

    1st, Brett: "I'm sorry sir, you'll have to speak up. Between the media frenzy and the White House spin-doctoring, I'm finding it hard to hear much of anything these days."

    2nd, James: "Can you hear me now?"

    3rd (tie), Robert: "Why yes, now that you mention it, I do hear a train a coming."

    3rd (tie), Rodney: ""Pardon me, but would you all please stop chanting 'ARNOLD, ARNOLD,' so that I can hear what the voters want."

    Editor's entry: "Could you please speak up? You see, I am politically tone deaf."

    Posted by Steven Taylor at October 7, 2025 08:14 AM | TrackBack
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