October 31, 2025
CNBC Hires Dennis Miller to Host Show
Posted by Steven Taylor at October 31, 2025 02:00 PM
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Dennis your correct in many things.
Your new show will improve when you dump the feminist BS.
TV is saturated with feminist crap & trap issues.
Lose her or lose the males in your audience period.
Myself & almost all the males I know [no of us are gay, but married with children] are thinking of leaving your show at your half time break.
Why do you let HER interject so often ?
Politeness is fine yet why isn't she ?
Our group can think of dozens of MALE ISSUES that
have 'zillech' to do with the meaner sexist.
Stop feeling sorry for your PASSION DM !!!
You were great as a football commentator. The fans were leaving TV because there is much more fun doing other male things.
Why should WE WATCH MILLIONAIRES making a living
[ie sports/politics]when it is more fun 'mucking
around' the computer room !!!
Oh by the way, life is not always centered around women.
I love the ladies, but can only take so much of them & the way they think.