November 12, 2024

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  • How About a Real Filibuster?

    This: Angered by Democrats' Filibusters on Nominees, Republicans Stage One, isn't going to do anything, unless after the 30 hours is up Frist says: "Guess what, we ain't done yet." If the Democrats want to filibuster, let 'em. And if the Republicans have the courage of their convictions and outrage, then they should hang until we see who blinks first.

    Personally at 35 the prospect of pulling an all-nighter makes me cringe (I like my sleep, such as I get), so one would think the 70 year-olds in the Senate would crumble at some point.

    Of course if the Reps really had cajones, they'd start a real filibuster the Monday of Thanskgiving week.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at November 12, 2024 09:31 PM | TrackBack
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