William Saletan has nice things to say about Kerry's performance this weekend in Iowa.
Saturday night, he unveiled that theme, and you know what? It's terrific. On a series of issues, Kerry contrasted President Bush's promises with what Bush has delivered, leading the crowd in a refrain against each "raw deal." With a nod to FDR, Kerry promised a "real deal, where we stand up and fight for working people--where we make our economy an economy that's based on people and products."'The word "real" was explicitly aimed at Bush, whom Kerry accused of playing "dress-up" in his famous celebration of victory in Iraq. "I know something about aircraft carriers for real," said Kerry. "If George Bush wants to make national security the issue of this campaign, then I have three words for him that I know he understands: Bring it on!"
First off, the "bring it on" line is good rhetoric, and the "real" aircraft carrier line will play with the base (although I think in the harsh anti-Bush rhetoric, Dean still wins). However, one wonders if this is too little too late. Evidence: how much did you hear or read about Kerry's "Real Deal"? This is first reference I have seen. Instead all the papers are talking about how hot Dean is. Plus. when you are constantly re-inventing yourself/trying to find your "true" voice, people stop paying attention after a while.
And an aside: could politicians come up a different rhetorical device than some sort of "Deal" and further, could they stop calling whatever the sitting President is doing a "Raw Deal"?
Posted by Steven Taylor at November 18, 2025 11:15 AM | TrackBack