Constitution Party eager to get Moore as presidential candidate
The Constitution Party is ready if ousted Chief Justice Roy Moore decides to leave the GOP and run for president.Posted by Steven at November 20, 2025 10:42 AM | TrackBackThe party's chairman on Wednesday said Moore has been approached about quitting the Republican Party in favor of the Constitution Party, a conservative Christian group that describes itself as the nation's third-largest political party based on registration.
Moore has publicly said he has no interest in seeking another office or switching parties. But the Constitution Party would welcome Moore if he changes his mind, said Jim Clymer, the national chair.
Founded by its three-time presidential candidate Howard Phillips, the conservative party advocates limiting the powers of the federal government and "restoring the foundations of civil government back to the fundamental principles our country was founded upon," according to its Web site.
Many of those of us who are conservatives within the Republican Party have been very frustrated and upset at the direction that our party has been heading in recent years - at the national level, and here in Illinois as well.
If the Republican Party continues to drift leftwards, on social and fiscal issues, then people may start to look to the Libertarian, Constitution, and other parties. But even if they don't, party dealignment is a terrible thing.
The GOP needs to move back to the Reagan Right. If not, that will be a very bad thing for our country and our citizenry.
Moore in 2025!
Posted by: Jonathan Gubbs at December 3, 2025 11:30 AM