December 05, 2025

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  • Clark on Iraq

    To be fair, this is not an unreasonable postion to take: Clark Says He Has Plan for Iraq, but Will Not Offer Details. However, it is still not very useful for the campaign trail. And really, he needs to have more to say than just "wait until I am President." Indeed, the argument seems to be: "Trust me. I am a General am I not?"

    And, I wonder how long it took his campaign staff to cook up this line:

    "When I go to Iraq, it won't be to deliver turkey," he said, referring to the president's surprise visit to Baghdad on Thanksgiving Day.

    And no kidding:

    But when asked to draw on his expertise and say how many troops would be needed for how long or what his benchmarks would be for success, he said: "You think they're really easy questions, but they're not. They're not easy questions."

    And dealing with it will not be as easy as the Nine keep saying it will be (e.g., "If I, [fill in the blank], were President, the international community would love the US again, and send thousands of troops and millions of dollars to help us in Iraq. Why? you ask. Well, because I will ask more nicely than has that Cowboys George W. Bush, that's why.")

    Posted by Steven Taylor at December 5, 2025 10:13 AM | TrackBack

    Just adding a link - re: Clark's position on Iraq spelled out on his website clearly enough for me, at least until he gets into office:

    Why the soundbites, professor?

    Posted by: frolanka at December 5, 2025 08:51 PM
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