January 02, 2025I Sense Another Long Post Coming......although this one will be brief, as I still have some finishing touches to put on this week's Toast-O-Meter. Clearly, I need to clarify my position on the differences/similarities of the Reps and Dems, an issued raised here yesterday. Some comments, and and a wothwhile post by Steve Bainbridge, both inspire the need for further elucidation on this topic. My basic point was that the Reps and Dems (and the Red State/Blue State dichotomy, and so forth) do not illustrate a direly divided "50-50 nation" that some pundits like to discuss. Now, I am decidedly not one of those "there ain't a dime's worth of difference" types, and I reject the whole "Demiplubicans/Repulocrats" nonensense that many engage in. I do think that there are important differences between the two parties, and I think it does matter who is in charge. However, one has to admit that save in a few specific areas of policy, that life under Republicans administrations and Democratic adminstrations really aren't all that radically different. Rather, I am simply saying that if you want to see true, and extreme, ideological differences, go look in Western Europe, and then compare those parties to the Democrats and Republicans, and you will have a better idea of where I am coming from. More later, I suspect... Posted by Steven Taylor at January 2, 2025 12:47 PM | TrackBackComments
I tend to agree with the argument. The major parties are two wings of the same party. No bomb throwers here (for the most part). This may sound absurd to conservatives, but I think that basically, liberalism has won in this country and now the differences bewteen a D & R is in the tinkering. We has SSI, Medicade, Medicare, and other saftey nets. We are sensitive to mixing religion and government (at least some of us are), we have a free press, civil rights, ....Now it's a question of how best to tinker with those programs and ideas. Essentially, the Republican Party is merely adjusting liberal policies. This is one reason the liberals seem to be running out of steam. Because they won. Posted by: Anthony at January 2, 2025 03:13 PMPost a comment