January 03, 2025

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  • The Lone Party State?

    Wild: No Democrats have filed yet for state elections in 2025.

    Now, I am sure that there will be candidates, but still, pretty amazing. And, quite frankly, this sort of thing can be disheartening:

    the Texas Republican Party...has not lost a statewide race since 1994...

    Indeed, I was living there during the transition from Democratic dominance at the state level, to Republican dominance, and it was a pretty dramatic shift. And while one can legitimately criticize the method by which the State Legislature went about the recent redistricting, there is a point to made that something is amiss with the previous districting plan if state that is so clearly Republican in character sends a congressional delegation to Washington that is majority Democrat.

    And this type of bravado always amuses me:

    State Democratic Chairman Charles Soechting said the party is concentrating its efforts on fielding candidates for the Texas House, saying voters are primed to punish Republican lawmakers for issues such as congressional redistricting and deep cuts in social service spending.

    "The backlash has begun," Soechting said in a news release. "A full year of the over-the-top Republican partisanship has sparked a movement to restore common sense and mainstream values to the Texas Legislature."

    So, the response is to not recruit candidates for statewide office? Quite the strategy, I must say.

    Hat tip: PoliPundit.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at January 3, 2025 10:35 AM | TrackBack
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