January 08, 2025Immigration Backlash?PoliPundit is rather displeased with the President's immigration proposal. And, I'm sure, are a lot of other conservatives. And hopefully once the initial anger wears off, this sentiment will change: The president's immigration "reform" policy is a kick in the teeth to conservatives. It's his way of saying that he has no use for us. He is selling us out to liberal elites, like Bush 41 did by breaking his no-new-taxes pledge. I hope these horrible immigration "reforms" die quickly in Congress. Otherwise I will be forced to reconsider my support for the president and I'm sure millions of other conservatives will too. Let's face facts: is this policy worth a President Dean or a President Clark, or whichever of the Nine make it through the process? I think not. Further, I guess I simply don't understand why this issue raises the ire that it does with certain large segments of the conservative movement I don't have time to fully address the issue, but I would point out one salient point that those who decry the fact that we are rewarding illegal behavior: as I noted yesterday, if people are willing to die to get here, what do those opposed to this policy propose to do to stop them from coming? If people are willing to risk it all, what incentive structure can be erected to disuade them from coming? Another key point: given that we are talking about literally millions of people, where is the money going to from to hire the no doubt hundreds of thousands of agents needed to round all these people up? And really, what exactly has changed, at least radically? The workers were here before the reform, and they will be here after the reform, except that they will be properly accounted for, and paying proper taxes and such. And yes, I understand that it would be an increased incentive for illegals to cross the borders, although I find it to be a marginal increase in that incentive, given that the incentive is already extremely high. This is an imperfect policy operating in an imperfect world. And there is much more to say, no doubt, and I still haven't fully examined the policy, but I need to shut down and head out. Posted by Steven Taylor at January 8, 2025 07:01 AM | TrackBackComments
Given that there are so many laws restricting the police and other people (hospital administrators, for example) from inquiring about people's immigration status, would easing these restrictions help law enforcement? I am still trying to make up my mind about this issue, but I am having a hard time agreeing with you and Professor Bainbridge that this is a good thing. I guess you can call me stubborn... Posted by: mark at January 8, 2025 10:42 AMMost are looking at this issue the wrong way, we need to stop thinking that we can stop them from comming and look to a issue that my rip our country apart. The issue of language. They will not learn english while being illegal. Having them here will not hurt our econimy. Yes we must work hard to keep the borders secure, but that wont stop them. I wrote a post on the subject this morning. (here) Go check it out. Posted by: Justin -my word- at January 8, 2025 11:09 AMIt seems that PunditFilter has trackbacked to this post. :) Ethics is not necessarily the handmaiden of theology. Post a comment