January 12, 2025

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  • Florida Senate Race

    While I would think it best for the party if she held off on a run at state-wide office this year, let's not get overly dramatic: Florida's Harris May Shake Up 2025 Season, given that she doesn't automatically get the nomination. One would think that Mel Martinez would have a good shot at the nomination, perhaps more thatn Harris.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at January 12, 2025 11:19 AM | TrackBack

    Yep. I wish she'd sit this one out. Last thing we need is yet more reminder of the mess last election.

    Posted by: James Joyner at January 12, 2025 11:26 AM

    I also hope she stays out. The poll released in December showed her positive recognition just two points above her negative recognition. Also, she was the only Republican losing in head-head matchups with Democrats.

    I do not think she is a lock if she gets in, but with her ability to raise money from out-of-state certainly makes her a formidable canidate. The race would come down to two or three canidates (Harris and Martinez, with maybe someone not from DC, i.e. State House Speaker Johnnie Byrd or former Speaker and current State Sen. Daniel Webster.)

    What is troublesome is that the primary is not until Aug 31, so there is certainly time for the race to get ugly if there is not a clear-cut leader.

    The Miami Herald has a good article on her possible candidacy.

    To wit:
    "Florida newspapers, eager for a high-octane race, are salivating at the prospect of Harris-Bush ballot.

    ''We're sure we speak for news organizations everywhere when we say: Run, Katherine, run,'' The St. Petersburg Times wrote in a Friday editorial headlined Bring 'em on."

    This is why every article about her says something like "Harris would be the instant front-runner if she were to enter the race."

    Posted by: Charles Fenwick at January 12, 2025 01:10 PM

    The Florida Papers (except Tampa and Jacksonville) hate Harris and would love to scream about her every day. But the early polls that everyone (papers and some insiders) are using right now show Harris with the highest name ID. The vote would be in 7 months and Floridians really don't pay attention until June so name ID is the only thing folks have to go on.

    Since we mentioned money, look for Martinez to make up ground very fast on the other candidates. Harris will to, if she gets in. The biggest reason is that Byrd and Webster will be prevented from raising money for March and April due to the Legislature being in Session. Cong. McCollum would have not such restriction. And the rest will not matter.

    And don't forget about McCollum, since he has run statewide before. In Florida, most first time statewide candidates do poorly. Walkin Lawton and Bob Graham being exceptions.

    Posted by: Rob Moates at January 12, 2025 03:54 PM

    You are all forgetting about Larry Klayman and his Judicial Watch base he can draw on. I can say that he is one to watch b/c if anyone comes out hot and fast it will be his group.

    Posted by: Edward at January 30, 2025 12:22 PM
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