January 14, 2025

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  • Getting More Folks to Say "I Do"

    OK, while I am an advocate of marriage, and believe that there are serious problems, especially in low income communities, that could be alleviated by more stable families (which marriage promotes), I am dubious of this: Bush Plans $1.5 Billion Drive for Promotion of Marriage

    Administration officials say they are planning an extensive election-year initiative to promote marriage, especially among low-income couples, and they are weighing whether President Bush should promote the plan next week in his State of the Union address.


    Federal officials said they favored premarital education programs that focus on high school students; young adults interested in marriage; engaged couples; and unmarried couples at the moment of a child's birth, when the parents are thought to have the greatest commitment to each other.

    Alan M. Hershey, a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research in Princeton, N.J., said his company had a $19.8 million federal contract to measure the effectiveness of such programs for unwed parents. Already, Mr. Hershey said, he is providing technical assistance to marriage-education projects in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, New Mexico and Texas.

    A major purpose, he said, is to help people "communicate about money, sex, child-raising and other difficult issues that come up in their relationships."

    And while I can see where pre-marital education could be helpful, I just don't see this program (which is poorly described in the article, but I am not sure if it is because information is scarce, which is likely the case, or because the article wasn't well constructed) accomplishing much--certainly not $1.5 billion-worth of much.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at January 14, 2025 06:32 AM | TrackBack

    I forget, are Republicans to party that wants small government, or the party that wants to keep the federal government out of areas that traditionally decided on the state level?

    It's so hard to tell these days.

    Posted by: Rv. Agnos at January 14, 2025 10:35 AM

    Yeah, I thought this was a joke initially -- some satire off of a blog. But it isn't! This has not been a good week for the GOP - alot of people are pissed off about the immigration initiative, including Mrs. Lemon (who I had to calm down) and the 1.5 billion marriage thing. And while I'm for space exploration, lots of people are questioning the "small government" vita of the GOP. Sigh.

    Posted by: John Lemon at January 15, 2025 12:10 AM
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