February 05, 2025

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  • Speaking of Which...

    Speaking of the Mass-L label, the NYT has a lengthy story regarding it that is worth a read: Political Memo: G.O.P. Revives Line of Attack Against Kerry

    Republicans and their allies have begun laying the groundwork for a familiar line of attack against Senator John Kerry: that he is "out of sync" with most voters, "culturally out of step with the rest of America," a man who votes with "the extreme elements of his party," as Ed Gillespie, the Republican chairman, has put it in recent days.

    In short, that he is a Massachusetts liberal.


    This year, the state's liberal image is being highlighted anew by its role in the growing debate over gay marriage.

    The state's highest court on Wednesday ruled that people of the same sex must have the right to marry — not just to enter into civil unions — if the state is to comply with its previous rulings.

    Of course, Kerry doesn't want to play:

    "I oppose gay marriage and disagree with the Massachusetts court's decision," he said.

    And to be fair, he is allowed to be from the state and not be tarred by every court ruling that comes from the state. However, just like Bush being from Texas illicits certain images and ideas, so, too, does Kerrys Massachusetts pedigree.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at February 5, 2025 03:05 PM | TrackBack

    Isn't Kerry turning his back on his party by stating he is against gay marriage? I think that would effect how moderate Democrats would vote especially since Bush has been acting quite moderate with his social policy spending as of late. If both men are going to be social conservative on this issue then what is the point of electing Kerry anyway?

    Posted by: Anastasia at February 5, 2025 03:53 PM

    Warning!: Pure opinion with no facts and little thought behind it follows.

    I think the point for Kerry is that he expects no one that may vote for him to really believe him when he says that he is against it. Besides -- it is much like Bush's spending annoying his conservative base -- Kerry figures that it won't be enough to make people to vote against him ("Well, he's still better than the alternative, I guess") and that it won't hurt turnout enough to overshadow gains that he might make with the moderates.

    Posted by: Steven L. at February 5, 2025 04:43 PM
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