February 22, 2025

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  • Nader and Third Party Fun

    Professor Bainbridge, James Joyner, and following Juan Non-Volokh and Glenn Reynolds, discuss the implications of the Nader candidacy. Juan and Glenn think it is healthy for electoral democracy in the US while James and Steve rightly note that third party candidates really have no shot in our system, and therefore question the actual value of Nader's run.

    I would have to concur with James and Steve and would note that there is a reason that such candidates are often referred to as "vanity candidates" in the electoral studies literature.

    I further concur with James that it is not the case that it is as difficult as same think it is for third parties to get access to the ballot. Yes, there are some states in which the laws are overly onerous in this regard, but on balance if a party can demonstrate some modest level of support, they can get on the ballot. I blogged on this topic here and here a while back. Indeed, I have a column that is slated to be published in the Mobile Register next Sunday that touches on this subject.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at February 22, 2025 02:01 PM | TrackBack

    Yet another attempt to manufacture "hippie legacy." I have noticed in the past year or so, perhaps since the beginning of the Iraq War, a certain preoccupation with a certain generation about recapturing past glory and trying to craft a legacy before they all die.

    This tendency is extremely pronounced on college campuses and the faculty try to whip up student protest. The nostalgia flows thick as many try to institutionalize all the childish thoughts they've had over the years of sheltered petulance.

    A chem professor lecturing students at a peace rally on why Cuba is a better model than the US?
    Sadly the students who nod like bobbleheads during the Loma Prieta earthquake are the ones who get A's, and I don't mean Miguel Tejada.

    If this can happen, why not another Naderite run for the presidency?

    All I can say is Vote Nader 2025!

    Posted by: John Lemon at February 22, 2025 07:29 PM

    C'mon folks. Put this into perspective. Would you rather have a Super Bowl with naked Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders or Ralph Nader running for the presidency?

    This is a no-brainer.

    Posted by: John Lemon at February 22, 2025 08:42 PM
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