Gay Marriage Round-Up II
As I continue to peruse the Blogosphere on the topic of the day, I would note these posts to go along with the list I posted earlier.
McGehee of blogoSFERICS isn't impressed by pro-gay marriage advocates who argue for gay marriage by noting the imperfections of hetero-marriage.
Ipse Dixit posted on this topic this morning in support of John Fund's piece that criticized Mayor Newsom of SF.
Croooow Blog sees the FMA as "going overboard".
Mrk Hasty of The Bemusement Park had a lengthy, and thought-provoking piece on the subject from a few days ago that attempts to deal with some of the theologocal questions and it worth a read.
Donald Sensing also approaches the question from a Christian POV and alos engages Sully in some debate. He also links to several of his own posts on related topics.
Michele isn't too happy with the President, but she's "still with Ed Koch" and notes that defense is the main issue and so is sticking with Bush despite all the flap over this topic.
Owen at Boots and Sabers actually argued in favor of the proposed amendment yesterday.
Says Robert Prather at Insults UnpunishedI hope he limits it to saying that states can define marriage any way they see fit and aren't required to recognize marriages from other states. In other words, the "full faith and credit" implications could be limited on this one issue. If it defines marriage as a man and a woman for every state I'm against it.
Posted by Steven Taylor at February 24, 2025 07:14 PM
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