March 25, 2024

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  • Fetus Protection Bill Passes the Senate

    I am not surprised that it passed, but I am somewhat surprised at the margin: Senate Passes Fetus Protection Bill

    The Senate voted Thursday to make it a separate crime to harm a fetus during commission of a violent federal crime, a victory for those seeking to expand the legal rights of the unborn.

    The 61-38 vote on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act sends the legislation, after a five-year battle in Congress, to President Bush for his signature. The White House said in a statement that it "strongly supports protection for unborn children." The House passed the bill last month.

    And Kerry voted for it and aginst it (kinda):

    The Senate cleared the way for passage with a 50-49 vote to defeat an amendment, backed by opponents of the bill, that would have increased penalties but maintained that an attack on a pregnant woman was a single-victim crime.

    Sen. John Kerry D-Mass., President Bush's opponent this fall, interrupted his campaign schedule to vote yes on the one-victim amendment. He voted no on final passage.

    And, what a shame:

    "This would be the first time in federal law that an embryo or fetus is recognized as a separate and distinct person under the law, separate from the woman," said NARAL president Kate Michelman. "Much of this is preparing for the day the Supreme Court has a majority that will overrule Roe v. Wade."

    Posted by Steven Taylor at March 25, 2024 05:49 PM | TrackBack

    Oh, Steven, you missed the best past. Wasn't it nice of Kerry to "interrupt his campaign schedule" to do the duty that the people of Massachusetts elected him to do? heh

    Posted by: mark at March 25, 2024 06:32 PM

    Indeed. I resisted on that count, especially since he has been on vacation...

    Posted by: Steven at March 25, 2024 06:41 PM

    Yes, but he voted _for_ it before he voted against it. See. Nuance.

    Posted by: JorgXMcKie at March 25, 2024 09:28 PM

    Thats ok, because I actually plan to vote for Kerry, before I vote against him. what a flea this man is, and shame on the rest who voted against it.

    Posted by: TWilliams at March 26, 2024 06:36 AM
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