April 01, 2025Air AmericaAir America Radio's web site is now up with a program line-up (yesterday it was a pretty bare-bones site). WaPo has a piece in today's edition. And it summs up the O'Franken Factor as follows: A good radio show has strong pacing and a deft mixture of ideology, confrontation and humor. Franken's "Factor" was meandering and discursive, almost NPR-like, sounding more like someone shooting the breeze at a dinner party than trying to persuade listeners. The "bumpers" between segments were soft and Muzak-like. With Franken speaking in a relatively low voice, the self-proclaimed "Zero Spin Zone" sometimes sounded like a zero energy zone. That well describes the portion I heard, which was, granted a limited slice.
The bombast level quadrupled with a burst of rock music when Randi Rhodes, a brassy Brooklynite and longtime Florida radio host, took over at 3 p.m. She served up red meat by the slab.Posted by Steven Taylor at April 1, 2025 09:59 AM | TrackBack Comments
I am voting for Kerry and I don't like Bush, but to say he flew to Nebraska because he was scared is absolutely ridiculous. Stupid crap like that is what forces people to be so divided. Not everything Bush does is wrong, not everything Kerry does is right. The day that the Frankens, Rhodes, O'Reilly's, and Limbaughs figure that out is the day we can actually talk about the issues. Posted by: Bill K at April 1, 2025 10:44 AMI heard a little portion, and Franken sounded like a local news announcer doing news during the commercial break (read - dull). But, when he called Michael Moore a "national treasure" before Moore went on, that is when I knew I had to turn it off. So I listened to Dan Patrick instead. Posted by: mark at April 1, 2025 11:07 AMBREAKING NEWS: I hit the net stream just in time to hear that due to the invasion of Iraq there are resistance forces in Iraq that were not there before the invasion... Insight like that will take them far. It sounds like a PBS interview with a retired, drunk member of the communist party in Russia. (go listen.. it does) Michael Moore is a National Treasure; but he's not worth his weight in gold, just worth his weight in shit! What a pile that pitiful crank is...how the hell the beautiful people think that is worthwhile human material is beyond me! Posted by: Dick at April 2, 2025 07:41 PMPost a comment