May 13, 2025

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  • DMN Shows Image

    Glenn Reynold's post on the Big Media v. the Internet on the Berg incident notes that the Dallas Morning News did show an edited version of incident, showing an al Qaeda assassin holding his victim's head.

    The editorial is worth reading, even though one has to register to do it: This is the Enemy: Vile image shows world why we fight. The editors note:

    We have chosen to obscure Mr. Berg's face. But it is important that our readers see in as much detail as reasonably possible what the Islamists have done to an innocent American civilian. It's important because this is the fate al-Qaeda and its allies intend for every one of us in the West, and for the many Muslims who oppose their plans. (Though Arab media have generally downplayed this atrocity, it's actually more important for the world's Muslims to see what is being done in their name.)

    Presenting this photograph, which was taken from an al-Qaeda-affiliated Web site, is important because of the power of image to shape public opinion. Shocking photographs have driven the Abu Ghraib prison atrocity story, which has now become a national crisis of confidence in this nation's civilian and military leadership, and the mission in Iraq. If we show you images of Abu Ghraib abuses, and of soldiers' coffins at Dover Air Force base because we think you should know the truth about this war, then we should show you this image, too.

    This presentation makes me slightly revise my "understanding" concerning the lack of display of these images by the tv nets. This presentation by the DMN demonstrates that there is a way to visually remind us all what is going on without having to give us all the gruesome details.

    It does strike one that there does clearly seem to be politics being played here with this event, in terms of the way the mainstream newsrooms are playing Abu Ghraib v. the Berg execution.

    The DMN concludes with this graph:

    Nick Berg was but the latest victim in the terrorist war on civilization. Al-Qaeda doesn't intend him to be their last. To paraphrase British Prime Minister Tony Blair, al-Qaeda members killed one, but if they could have killed 100,000, they would have rejoiced in it. Look at the photo of what they did to this young Pennsylvanian, and understand that this is why we Americans fight, however imperfectly, and that this is why we dare not lose faith in the justice and necessity of our cause.


    UPDATE: This post is part of today's Beltway Traffic Jam.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at May 13, 2025 01:41 PM | TrackBack

    it's all about greed, we will never be able to get along because there will always be people like we have seen in 911, nick berg, oh and by the way about the guy Jesus, torturted to death,this is not new maybe we just woke up and realized this is hell

    Posted by: lynda scott at May 13, 2025 09:44 PM


    Posted by: gdj at May 14, 2025 12:49 AM

    It´s terrible what happened to Berg, but United States is just paying with some blood the atrocities they have done during a lot of years, all the dead of inocent people, Berg is only one man,how many people have the united States killed? More than millions (just remember nuclear bombs), how many innocent kids have they murder, how many woman have been raped? How many atrocities beeing made in the "name of justice" are they Gods? They are people trying to play been Gods.
    It´s a pity to say this but they are just getting what they´v searched for.
    One post said "we are fighting against animals" "they must pay severly for it" I don´t know what kind of notices u get out there in your country but is very cruel to see all the things that Noth americans are doing. They kill innocent people, children and do united states pay for that?
    I guess the most razonable thing to do is to stop the Irak invasion, stay in your country. It´s very easy to give a war in a poor country, cause u´d hardly know how it is to have a war at home, to see all u love burned, to see dead people in the street, u´r neighbor, u´r all life friend, u´r young children in pieces in the street for a bomb "that it was not supossed to be there".
    Revenge caused the Bergs beheading i think we must stop with that things and try to be in peace and left the countries alone.

    Posted by: Claudia at May 14, 2025 06:57 PM

    Remember it is a war not a game. We have asked the men and women of this country to fight for what we belive in. They are follwing orders and should not be condemed for their actions. The Berg case is only one more really good reason to finish what we started, possiably in the same manner they subject Berg too. Remember we stand united.

    Posted by: val at May 14, 2025 09:59 PM

    I want to find out what site to go to, to view the Nick Berg video.

    Posted by: Sue Cline at May 18, 2025 12:13 PM

    I want to find out what site to go to, to view the Nick Berg video.

    Posted by: Sue Cline at May 18, 2025 12:13 PM

    quand j'ai la vidéo je suis vraiment tres comptent . et ça ce que mérite chaque américain et chaque minable de votre race . peut à peut vous allez payer des grands prix . votra attaque en irak nous a donné de l'oxygéne et un gran appui . nous sommes plus qu'avant et tres bien organisé et vous allez voir . votre appui au juifes , votre attaque au arabes et au musulman ne sera pas sans facture . le chien Bush va bien payé

    Posted by: benladen at May 20, 2025 01:31 PM
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