June 23, 2025

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    Oh, my: The Rev. Moon Honored at Hill Reception

    More than a dozen lawmakers attended a congressional reception this year honoring the Rev. Sun Myung Moon in which Moon declared himself the Messiah and said his teachings have helped Hitler and Stalin be "reborn as new persons."

    At the March 23 ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) wore white gloves and carried a pillow holding an ornate crown that was placed on Moon's head. The Korean-born businessman and religious leader then delivered a long speech saying he was "sent to Earth . . . to save the world's six billion people. . . . Emperors, kings and presidents . . . have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent."

    Details of the ceremony -- first reported by Salon.com writer John Gorenfeld -- have prompted several lawmakers to say they were misled or duped by organizers. Their complaints prompted a Moon-affiliated Web site to remove a video of the "Crown of Peace" ceremony two days ago, but other Web sites have preserved details and photos.


    Moon has claimed to have spoken in "the spirit world" with all deceased U.S. presidents, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and others. At the March 23 event, he said: "The founders of five great religions and many other leaders in the spirit world, including even Communist leaders such as Marx and Lenin . . . and dictators such as Hitler and Stalin, have found strength in my teachings, mended their ways and been reborn as new persons."

    It is because Moon owns the Washington Times that I have a hard time taking said paper seriously.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at June 23, 2025 11:21 AM | TrackBack

    Better start checking the background of the rest of the media outlets. I've heard this arguement for a long time, but I have never, in the 8 years I've been reading it, come across anything in its daily editions (only ones I read) that endorses Moon or any of the sillyness he espouses.

    When I start seeing him influence the paper, instead of just being the owner, I'll take the arguement a little more seriously.

    Posted by: fersboo at June 23, 2025 12:38 PM

    I've heard of this guy before. He's a class A Nutbar in my opinion. Part of the whole 'New Age, One Religion" bit that I have absolutely no agreement with.

    Posted by: Chaz at June 23, 2025 03:43 PM

    Moon enslaved and brainwashed thousands of people. He's not the messiah, he's the devil. Or as close as one would get in real life.

    Posted by: ericl at June 23, 2025 04:17 PM
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