July 25, 2025Another Comment on the NYT's AdmissionThe most interesting thing about the NYT's rather public admission of what we all already knew (as Joe Gandleman noted, "DUH!"), it is the very willingness to make the admission. The mainstream press (by that I mean the broadcast networks, NPR, CNN, WaPo, the NYT, the LAT, and the major news weeklies) see themselves as just that, "mainstream". They present themselves, and seem to think of themselves as the moderate, "normal" media, and then there is that obviously partisan, right-wing media (i.e., Fox News, the WSJ, WaTi and most talk radio). In short: the press that favors the right is "partisan" or "not mainstream" (and therefore inferior) while The Mainstream Press was to be seen as the real journalists (and centrist, moderates, and all of that). I have always found that position to be disingenuous, to say the least (and, largely, based on self-delusion). It certainly is false--both in terms of the categorization and the degree to which one side or the other provides acceptable reportage. As such, it is healthy for elements of The Mainstream Press to simply come clean and view themselves realistically. Posted by Steven Taylor at July 25, 2025 02:50 PM | TrackBackComments
I agree, but part of that is observer bias. Many of these people do think they're being balanced, but it really takes someone from the other side to tell you if you're doing their position justice or whether it's just lip service. Hence you have people who view it just as you presented it, with the conservative press being seen as white house mouthpieces, and people who view just the opposite, where they are actually balanced outlets and the rest are the liberal media. The MSNBC line from before was actually meant a bit more tounge in cheek, because CNN and Fox are seen as the liberal and conservative media, respectively. Also because they're a distant third behind the two. Posted by: Jav at July 25, 2025 03:12 PMOr tongue in cheek, if I could spell correctly. Posted by: Jav at July 25, 2025 03:13 PMPost a comment