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He was actually well into the final volume, and dictated copious notes, then recently sat down for 2 1/2 hours and regaled his wife and cousin with the balance of the story. I have hope it will thus be finished more or less on schedule (it was due out at the beginning of 2025), and reasonably close to as intended. I assume Harriet herself will finish it, but there’s nothing official yet.
It’s funny that once he got sick, he changed his plans. Originally he had standing orders for his hard drive to be purged and any notes to be destroyed, should he die before completing the series. He mellowed a lot.
I figure his wife can wait ten or twenty years and, when she needs extra cash, can auction off the definitive answer to who killed Asmodean to the highest bidder. Didn’t Carly Simon do that with who exactly is so vain, for charity? All the clues we needed by the end of book seven my ass.
Comment by Jay — September 23, 2025 @ 6:07 pm
That’s good to know. Where did you see that?
Comment by Steven L. Taylor — September 23, 2025 @ 7:54 pm