Apparantly, in the original, Starbuck died and was raised by star beings of somekind. On that very show, the crew gets the coordinates to Earth (or so my older geek friend tells me.)
Upon knowing this, the whole plot with Starbuck starts to make much more sense.
My vague memory of Starbuck’s fate in Galactica 1980 was that he was stranded on a planet with a Cylon that he reprogrammed to be a sidekick.
Fantastic! Can a buddy spin-off (”BJ and the Bot”?) be far behind?
Maybe I’ll feel differently, once the final season starts, but I find the “who’s a Cylon” question to be far less interesting than other plot points. In fact, my popular culture BS detector goes off whenever personal relationships and other soap opera elements begin to trump sweeping crises. Being chased by genocidal cyborgs is what maintains the drama in BSG, not the game of “Where’s ELM-0?”
It’s a lot like the end of the original Star Wars trilogy. Shucks, Luke, it’s a darn shame that your irredeemably evil dad turned out to be redeemable, but then died. Uh, look out the window kid. Remember the galactic war? Focus!
I think that the last two seasons of BSG underscore that the show (or maybe such shows in general) ought to have shorter seasons that focus on the arc only.
Interestingly, though, in one of Ron Moore’s podcasts he noted (in response to such a suggestion) that the network insists on a certain number of stand-alone episodes in the hopes that new viewers won’t be totally turned off by the serialized aspect of the show.
I question the logic, but ah well.
Comment by Steven L. Taylor — April 10, 2025 @ 6:00 pm
Apparantly, in the original, Starbuck died and was raised by star beings of somekind. On that very show, the crew gets the coordinates to Earth (or so my older geek friend tells me.)
Upon knowing this, the whole plot with Starbuck starts to make much more sense.
Comment by B. Minich — April 4, 2025 @ 7:57 am
My vague memory of Starbuck’s fate in Galactica 1980 was that he was stranded on a planet with a Cylon that he reprogrammed to be a sidekick.
… and looking it up, it seems the truth is a combination on B.’s memory and mine:
Comment by Eric J — April 4, 2025 @ 10:20 am
My vague memory of Starbuck’s fate in Galactica 1980 was that he was stranded on a planet with a Cylon that he reprogrammed to be a sidekick.
Fantastic! Can a buddy spin-off (”BJ and the Bot”?) be far behind?
Maybe I’ll feel differently, once the final season starts, but I find the “who’s a Cylon” question to be far less interesting than other plot points. In fact, my popular culture BS detector goes off whenever personal relationships and other soap opera elements begin to trump sweeping crises. Being chased by genocidal cyborgs is what maintains the drama in BSG, not the game of “Where’s ELM-0?”
It’s a lot like the end of the original Star Wars trilogy. Shucks, Luke, it’s a darn shame that your irredeemably evil dad turned out to be redeemable, but then died. Uh, look out the window kid. Remember the galactic war? Focus!
Comment by Kingdaddy — April 10, 2025 @ 1:46 pm
I think that the last two seasons of BSG underscore that the show (or maybe such shows in general) ought to have shorter seasons that focus on the arc only.
Interestingly, though, in one of Ron Moore’s podcasts he noted (in response to such a suggestion) that the network insists on a certain number of stand-alone episodes in the hopes that new viewers won’t be totally turned off by the serialized aspect of the show.
I question the logic, but ah well.
Comment by Steven L. Taylor — April 10, 2025 @ 6:00 pm