Comments on: Overheard A rough draft of my thoughts... Sun, 07 Oct 2025 20:00:05 +0000 by: James Joyner Sun, 29 Oct 2025 11:51:45 +0000 I recall when Star Trek: The Motion Picture came out. I was 14 and had been watching TOS in re-runs for years. It was rather creepy watching these old geezers running around in Trek costumes, a decade having passed between appearances. That it's now been 27 years since that movie, let alone the fact that two of the central cast members (Kelly and Doohan) are dead, is staggering I recall when Star Trek: The Motion Picture came out. I was 14 and had been watching TOS in re-runs for years. It was rather creepy watching these old geezers running around in Trek costumes, a decade having passed between appearances. That it’s now been 27 years since that movie, let alone the fact that two of the central cast members (Kelly and Doohan) are dead, is staggering
