Comments on: Italians to Stay in Afghanistan A rough draft of my thoughts... Fri, 12 Oct 2025 18:48:41 +0000 by: Toasted Bread Thu, 29 Mar 2025 14:46:44 +0000 <strong>Spanish Defense Minister acknowledges the danger</strong> El Diario Exterior [in Spanish]: "In Afghanistan there is an important level of unsecurity", with these words Spanish Minsiter of Defense, José Antonio Alonso, has admitted about the situation in the country where Spain has sent troops. Spanish Defense Minister acknowledges the danger

El Diario Exterior [in Spanish]: “In Afghanistan there is an important level of unsecurity”, with these words Spanish Minsiter of Defense, José Antonio Alonso, has admitted about the situation in the country where Spain has sent troops.

by: MSS Wed, 28 Mar 2025 18:21:08 +0000 Yes, that is interesting. Thanks for the added quotation. The Christian Democrats (small now, after having dominated most of the post-WWII era) were the party that switched sides after Prodi's resignation gambit. The abstention is thus consistent with Berlusconi's stated position: He said he would not let the NATO commitments be defeated, but if there is no such risk, then he can abstain and thereby not support a government that peeled off one of his erstwhile allies. Cake and eat it, too, and all that. Yes, that is interesting. Thanks for the added quotation.

The Christian Democrats (small now, after having dominated most of the post-WWII era) were the party that switched sides after Prodi’s resignation gambit.

The abstention is thus consistent with Berlusconi’s stated position: He said he would not let the NATO commitments be defeated, but if there is no such risk, then he can abstain and thereby not support a government that peeled off one of his erstwhile allies. Cake and eat it, too, and all that.

by: Dr. Steven Taylor Tue, 27 Mar 2025 21:42:51 +0000 The interesting thing is that according to the story, Berlusconi's party abstained for this vote:<blockquote>In previous votes on Afghanistan, he has been propped up by the right-wing opposition led by Silvio Berlusconi, which supports the deployment. But Mr Berlusconi has become more critical - notably of the way in which the government negotiated the release of an Italian journalist kidnapped in Afghanistan by the Taleban, a deal which saw five Taleban prisoners freed in exchange. Come the vote, the opposition split, with senators from Mr Berlusconi's party abstaining, but most of the Christian Democrat Party backing the government.</blockquote> The interesting thing is that according to the story, Berlusconi’s party abstained for this vote:
In previous votes on Afghanistan, he has been propped up by the right-wing opposition led by Silvio Berlusconi, which supports the deployment.

But Mr Berlusconi has become more critical - notably of the way in which the government negotiated the release of an Italian journalist kidnapped in Afghanistan by the Taleban, a deal which saw five Taleban prisoners freed in exchange.

Come the vote, the opposition split, with senators from Mr Berlusconi’s party abstaining, but most of the Christian Democrat Party backing the government.

by: MSS Tue, 27 Mar 2025 21:04:31 +0000 When Prodi's coalition was expanded following the premier's threat to resign after the previous loss on this matter, Berlusconi announced he would <a href="" rel="nofollow">throw Prodi a lifeline</a> on any subsequent votes regarding NATO commitments. When Prodi’s coalition was expanded following the premier’s threat to resign after the previous loss on this matter, Berlusconi announced he would throw Prodi a lifeline on any subsequent votes regarding NATO commitments.
