Comments on: US Well Behind in Delivery of Equipment to Iraqi Military A rough draft of my thoughts... Tue, 09 Oct 2025 06:53:54 +0000 by: RandyB Sat, 28 Jul 2025 15:44:31 +0000 Gentlemen, Today's post by Phil Carter at illustrates the soundness of Prof Shugart's suggestion above. (I've been meaning to recommend Carter's blog if you haven't read it - especially for war/military related matters.) In short, Maliki and Petraeus apparently don't trust each other or interface well. Petraeus won't allow Maliki too much control over Iraqi armed forces and Carter (Iraq War vet, lawyer, pundit) agrees that Maliki govt is "rotten" and shouldn't be trusted with the means to promote further sectarian violence - given past experience. Seems logical someone, somewhere in the Bush administration would balk at providing sophisticated arms to forces we can't trust. But so much for the "we'll stand down when they stand up" nonsense - at least during the Bush presidency. Gentlemen,
Today’s post by Phil Carter at illustrates the soundness of Prof Shugart’s suggestion above. (I’ve been meaning to recommend Carter’s blog if you haven’t read it - especially for war/military related matters.)

In short, Maliki and Petraeus apparently don’t trust each other or interface well. Petraeus won’t allow Maliki too much control over Iraqi armed forces and Carter (Iraq War vet, lawyer, pundit) agrees that Maliki govt is “rotten” and shouldn’t be trusted with the means to promote further sectarian violence - given past experience.

Seems logical someone, somewhere in the Bush administration would balk at providing sophisticated arms to forces we can’t trust. But so much for the “we’ll stand down when they stand up” nonsense - at least during the Bush presidency.

by: MSS Fri, 27 Jul 2025 18:16:18 +0000 Calling this a "failure" assumes that the Bush government actually wants a well equipped Iraqi military. Maybe one should not assume that. Calling this a “failure” assumes that the Bush government actually wants a well equipped Iraqi military. Maybe one should not assume that.
