Comments on: Turkey’s New Cabinet Approved; Military Continues to Issue Warnings A rough draft of my thoughts... Fri, 05 Oct 2025 06:23:42 +0000 by: political forum Fri, 31 Aug 2025 04:12:50 +0000 It's very interesting that in Turkey, the military is staunchly secularist. Since Gul's wife wears a headscarf, she was not invited to some of their ceremonies. The military is watching over all the Presidents, probably read to usurp them, if they try to take down Turkey's secularism. It's curious how a leader with an Islamist reputation got elected there. -stuart It’s very interesting that in Turkey, the military is staunchly secularist. Since Gul’s wife wears a headscarf, she was not invited to some of their ceremonies. The military is watching over all the Presidents, probably read to usurp them, if they try to take down Turkey’s secularism. It’s curious how a leader with an Islamist reputation got elected there.

