Comments on: Lunchtime Funnies A rough draft of my thoughts... Thu, 04 Oct 2025 04:29:31 +0000 by: hazmaq Wed, 26 Sep 2025 23:05:41 +0000 If it weren't for SNL, politics would have been unbearable these last few years. I wonder if you or anyone else caught lackey DNI Director McConnell's Congressional slip last week when he gave his first schpiel on why he wants a FISA redux. He was offering a a particularly gruesome outlook--if he didn't get his way--when he said, "..let me repeat that for effect". His scripted speech as well as all the other crony activities of this administration, are now so full of lies and blatant theatrical shows, comedians and authors will have a blast for decades reminding Americans of how stupid they were, to have fallen for it all in the first place. Because as we all grow older, we're also likely to finally learn the truth. If it weren’t for SNL, politics would have been unbearable these last few years.

I wonder if you or anyone else caught lackey DNI Director McConnell’s Congressional slip last week when he gave his first schpiel on why he wants a FISA redux. He was offering a a particularly gruesome outlook–if he didn’t get his way–when he said, “..let me repeat that for effect”.

His scripted speech as well as all the other crony activities of this administration, are now so full of lies and blatant theatrical shows, comedians and authors will have a blast for decades reminding Americans of how stupid they were, to have fallen for it all in the first place.

Because as we all grow older, we’re also likely to finally learn the truth.
