Comments on: A Quick Follow-Up A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 15:40:08 +0000 by: Steven Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Point taken. Point taken.

by: Chris Lawrence Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 I think what I actually said (or at least meant to say) was more like "nobody really knew about differential error rates, so replacing old/flawed machines wasn't considered necessary" -- after all, if it isn't broken, why fix it? Having said that, if the choice is between school books and fancy OMR machines, I'm going to choose school books. HAVA, however, avoids that tradeoff, and I think it's a good use of public money (besides, at the federal level, the tradeoffs are practically nonexistent ;-). I think what I actually said (or at least meant to say) was more like “nobody really knew about differential error rates, so replacing old/flawed machines wasn’t considered necessary” — after all, if it isn’t broken, why fix it?

Having said that, if the choice is between school books and fancy OMR machines, I’m going to choose school books. HAVA, however, avoids that tradeoff, and I think it’s a good use of public money (besides, at the federal level, the tradeoffs are practically nonexistent ;-) .
