Comments on: The Toast-O-Meter (1/31/04 Edition) A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 17:13:29 +0000 by: Theodosius Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Computer security recourse: <a href="">SecureRoot</a> Computer security recourse: SecureRoot

by: Wizbang Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Rope A Dope?</strong> Is the Dean campaign engaged in a rope a dope maneuver today? They&#8217;re certainly setting the expectation of also ran status. Whether this spin or strategy doesn&#8217;t much mater - what matters is how heavy the media momentum for Kerry... Rope A Dope?
Is the Dean campaign engaged in a rope a dope maneuver today? They’re certainly setting the expectation of also ran status. Whether this spin or strategy doesn’t much mater - what matters is how heavy the media momentum for Kerry…

by: GDubya Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Does anybody think that Kerry has faced a real test yet? The interesting thing to me, is that the present poll position he enjoys comes not only from the fact that Bush has not attacked him yet (look at Dean's self-immolation to see why), but that none of the other Democrats has made a real effort to attack Kerry's record. It's comparatively weak, and sooner or later, the others will realize they have to attack Kerry or lose without a fight. When the General Election comes, we're really looking at only one of two situations: A guy with no record (Edwards, Dean) or a guy with a weak record (Kerry, Clark). And there is a real character issue with more than a couple of these guys; what we saw happen with Dean in January could easily happen with some of these others in the summer. Does anybody think that Kerry has faced a real test yet?

The interesting thing to me, is that the present poll position he enjoys comes not only from the fact that Bush has not attacked him yet (look at Dean’s self-immolation to see why), but that none of the other Democrats has made a real effort to attack Kerry’s record. It’s comparatively weak, and sooner or later, the others will realize they have to attack Kerry or lose without a fight.

When the General Election comes, we’re really looking at only one of two situations: A guy with no record (Edwards, Dean) or a guy with a weak record (Kerry, Clark). And there is a real character issue with more than a couple of these guys; what we saw happen with Dean in January could easily happen with some of these others in the summer.

by: Obsidian Wings Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Down to the wire</strong> Make or break time for some of the candidates and time to face reality for most of the rest. Let's chat, shall we? (Poliblog, a site that needs blogrolling, was most helpful for all this) Down to the wire
Make or break time for some of the candidates and time to face reality for most of the rest. Let’s chat, shall we? (Poliblog, a site that needs blogrolling, was most helpful for all this)

by: King of Fools Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Toast Report</strong> Poliblog's weekly Toast-O-Meter (Fortified with linkage and Enhanced with bloggage!) can be found here: The Toast-O-Meter (1/31/04 Edition)... Toast Report
Poliblog’s weekly Toast-O-Meter (Fortified with linkage and Enhanced with bloggage!) can be found here: The Toast-O-Meter (1/31/04 Edition)…

by: Dennis Slater Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Senator Kerry needs VP running mate with some integrity to offset his lack of it. Hmmmm. I can't seem to come up with a good, honest name out of the current bunch of availables to recommend. The big question about Senator Kerry, if he is elected, is whether his wife will be another Hillary Clinton in the White House. OMG, please, no. At least Mrs Heinz-Kerry would be unlikely to make off with government property when they vacate the place. A good ad for the Republicans would be one of those morphing things where Senator Clinton morphs into Mrs. Heinz-Kerry with appropriate shots of Hillary's troubling career in the background (health care meetings, Vince Foster, travel office, a pile of records on a night stand, vast conspiracy accusation, the walk to the waiting helicopter, etc.). If the same geniuses who create the Super Bowl ads worked on the political ads campaigns would be infinitely more interesting. Senator Kerry needs VP running mate with some integrity to offset his lack of it. Hmmmm. I can’t seem to come up with a good, honest name out of the current bunch of availables to recommend.

The big question about Senator Kerry, if he is elected, is whether his wife will be another Hillary Clinton in the White House. OMG, please, no. At least Mrs Heinz-Kerry would be unlikely to make off with government property when they vacate the place.

A good ad for the Republicans would be one of those morphing things where Senator Clinton morphs into Mrs. Heinz-Kerry with appropriate shots of Hillary’s troubling career in the background (health care meetings, Vince Foster, travel office, a pile of records on a night stand, vast conspiracy accusation, the walk to the waiting helicopter, etc.). If the same geniuses who create the Super Bowl ads worked on the political ads campaigns would be infinitely more interesting.

by: Backcountry Conservative Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Poliblogging</strong> Steven Taylor has this week's edition of the Toast-O-Meter as well as a link to a column he wrote for the Huntsville Times.... Poliblogging
Steven Taylor has this week’s edition of the Toast-O-Meter as well as a link to a column he wrote for the Huntsville Times….

by: Citizen Smash - The Indepundit Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Surveying the Democratic Field</strong> WE ALL have our prejudices and perceptions about the Democratic candidates. The following are mine. John Kerry and I actually... Surveying the Democratic Field
WE ALL have our prejudices and perceptions about the Democratic candidates. The following are mine. John Kerry and I actually…

by: Go Dubya! Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Toast time again</strong> PoliBlog has the latest Toast-O-Meter up and running for your perusal. As usual, Steven breaks down the presidential race and sees who's hot and who's toast.... Toast time again
PoliBlog has the latest Toast-O-Meter up and running for your perusal. As usual, Steven breaks down the presidential race and sees who’s hot and who’s toast….

by: JES Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Gephardt won't get the presidential nomination even if there is a brokered convention, but he'd be a smart VP pick for Kerry or (if he can make a comeback) Dean. Gephardt won’t get the presidential nomination even if there is a brokered convention, but he’d be a smart VP pick for Kerry or (if he can make a comeback) Dean.
