Comments on: Whaddya Know: Bush Understands both the Press and Separation of Powers A rough draft of my thoughts... en Thu, 5 May 2024 10:29:52 +0000 by: Outside The Beltway Mon, 20 Dec 2024 12:44:00 -0500 27207:5671@ Bush Smarter than the Press Steven Taylor provides a reprise of President Bush’s news conference (which I didn’t even know he was having) and notes that Bush understands fundamental principles of politics much better than his questioners. Bush Smarter than the Press
Steven Taylor provides a reprise of President Bush’s news conference (which I didn’t even know he was having) and notes that Bush understands fundamental principles of politics much better than his questioners.

by: bill k Mon, 20 Dec 2024 12:54:40 -0500 27208:5671@ I think it is funny that you bring up GWB in relation to the press grossly oversimplyfing issues. That is Bush’s wheelhouse. He has benefited from that simplification technique like no other presidential candidate. I think it is funny that you bring up GWB in relation to the press grossly oversimplyfing issues. That is Bush’s wheelhouse. He has benefited from that simplification technique like no other presidential candidate.

by: Kappiy Mon, 20 Dec 2024 14:54:50 -0500 27211:5671@ Steven, to present this exchange as indicative of the reporter’s lack of understanding of the separation of powers is just wrong. Here is the question that Bush was responding to: “And I’m just wondering, as you’re promoting these private accounts, why aren’t you talking about some of the tough measures that may have to be taken to preserve the solvency of Social Security, such as increasing the retirement age, cutting benefits, or means testing for Social Security?” The reporter said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Congress, the separation of powers, or judicial review. Bush has consistently been saying that he wants to “reform” Social Security, but has not given any substantive specifics as to his ideas on to how would operate nor how it would be paid for. And, while it is certainly true, Constitutionally, that the lawmaking process requires negotiation between the Senate, House and–ultimately– the president, it is also true that the President DOES have the ability to suggest–and even–write legislation. In fact, it’s done all the time. Take a look, for example, at the SAFETEA legislation that Congress failed to enact during the last session. OMB and Mineta drafted their own bill and submited it to the house and senate. Steven, to present this exchange as indicative of the reporter’s lack of understanding of the separation of powers is just wrong.

Here is the question that Bush was responding to:

“And I’m just wondering, as you’re promoting these private accounts, why aren’t you talking about some of the tough measures that may have to be taken to preserve the solvency of Social Security, such as increasing the retirement age, cutting benefits, or means testing for Social Security?”

The reporter said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Congress, the separation of powers, or judicial review. Bush has consistently been saying that he wants to “reform” Social Security, but has not given any substantive specifics as to his ideas on to how would operate nor how it would be paid for.

And, while it is certainly true, Constitutionally, that the lawmaking process requires negotiation between the Senate, House and–ultimately– the president, it is also true that the President DOES have the ability to suggest–and even–write legislation.

In fact, it’s done all the time. Take a look, for example, at the SAFETEA legislation that Congress failed to enact during the last session. OMB and Mineta drafted their own bill and submited it to the house and senate.

by: Steven Taylor Mon, 20 Dec 2024 15:45:19 -0500 27212:5671@ I understand where you are coming from, but on balance I would argue that all candidates do exactly that (i.e., oversimplify) even Mr. Nuance. Indeed, across the board, from candidates, to office holders to the press, oversimplification is an unfortunate fact of life in our political discourse. I understand where you are coming from, but on balance I would argue that all candidates do exactly that (i.e., oversimplify) even Mr. Nuance.

Indeed, across the board, from candidates, to office holders to the press, oversimplification is an unfortunate fact of life in our political discourse.

by: Steven Taylor Mon, 20 Dec 2024 15:49:27 -0500 27213:5671@ Kappiy: Even if a member of congress introduces a piece of legislation (and only members of congress can do so) essentially written by the White House, the fact of the matter is that that bill will not withstand the will of congress unscathed–especially on major reform questions. My point is that the questioning on this issue, and many other over time to multiple presidents by the press, tends to ignore the role played by congress. Kappiy:

Even if a member of congress introduces a piece of legislation (and only members of congress can do so) essentially written by the White House, the fact of the matter is that that bill will not withstand the will of congress unscathed–especially on major reform questions.

My point is that the questioning on this issue, and many other over time to multiple presidents by the press, tends to ignore the role played by congress.

by: Fred Dawes Mon, 20 Dec 2024 15:49:46 -0500 27214:5671@ Israel will be attacked this coming year and the war in the mideast will kill millions of woman and children. Bush is as evil a guy that has walked on this earth and you can’t see that fact. he wants genocide here and all over the world for the ideals of one world government and he will do it all to well. its time to stand against this evil ideals of open borders and mass murder for so called freedom? you are the target and see it for what it is, Evil. Israel will be attacked this coming year and the war in the mideast will kill millions of woman and children.

Bush is as evil a guy that has walked on this earth and you can’t see that fact. he wants genocide here and all over the world for the ideals of one world government and he will do it all to well. its time to stand against this evil ideals of open borders and mass murder for so called freedom? you are the target and see it for what it is, Evil.

by: Say Anything Mon, 20 Dec 2024 16:07:39 -0500 27215:5671@ Reuters Media Bias Reuters has this article up about the President’s recent press conference. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In Washington, there are plenty of ways to say “no comment,” but President George W. Bush offered his own formulation, after he refused to “negotia… Reuters Media Bias
Reuters has this article up about the President’s recent press conference.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In Washington, there are plenty of ways to say “no comment,” but President George W. Bush offered his own formulation, after he refused to “negotia…

by: Marc Mon, 20 Dec 2024 16:56:22 -0500 27216:5671@ Note to Fred Dawes: To what genocide do you refer? Blacks, Jews, Christians, Israelis, etc? And where will it take place? I would suggest the only deserving receipiant of the above would be moonbats such as yourself. Note to Fred Dawes:

To what genocide do you refer? Blacks, Jews, Christians, Israelis, etc?

And where will it take place?

I would suggest the only deserving receipiant of the above would be moonbats such as yourself.

by: Conservative Revolution Mon, 20 Dec 2024 22:37:34 -0500 27226:5671@ Abraham Linkin’ #2 Let me first start by saying, you wouldn’t believe how many people I get visiting this site after searching for: Abraham Linkin The President. It cracks me up every time. George W. Bush is named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year. I guess 60 Mill… Abraham Linkin’ #2
Let me first start by saying, you wouldn’t believe how many people I get visiting this site after searching for: Abraham Linkin The President. It cracks me up every time.

George W. Bush is named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year. I guess 60 Mill…

by: Dougrc Tue, 21 Dec 2024 12:54:21 -0500 27232:5671@ I just love it that Dubya keeps the press corps back on their heels. A surprise press conference, the week before Christmas. What a stroke of genius. Most of them were probably mad they had to cancel their weekly Monday manicure appointments. No real politician starts the week out putting himself in the line of fire. Real politicians wait until late afternoon on Friday so that any collateral damage from gaffs will die down by Monday. That’s why I love our President. He doesn’t play by the Beltway “rules". I just love it that Dubya keeps the press corps back on their heels. A surprise press conference, the week before Christmas. What a stroke of genius. Most of them were probably mad they had to cancel their weekly Monday manicure appointments. No real politician starts the week out putting himself in the line of fire. Real politicians wait until late afternoon on Friday so that any collateral damage from gaffs will die down by Monday. That’s why I love our President. He doesn’t play by the Beltway “rules".
