Comments on: Lessons in Supply and Demand A rough draft of my thoughts... en Wed, 16 Mar 2025 11:53:34 +0000 by: Urbanist Thu, 30 Dec 2025 16:03:22 -0500 27422:5763@ Looks like there was some latent demand when the Taliban started getting tough on opium in early ‘01. There is probably a market glut now. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months as the US seems interested in eradicating poppy crops. Insurgent forces (and probably folks within the government) make money off the trade, so a decline in supply could actually help insurgents since they can charge more for the product. Looks like there was some latent demand when the Taliban started getting tough on opium in early ‘01. There is probably a market glut now.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months as the US seems interested in eradicating poppy crops. Insurgent forces (and probably folks within the government) make money off the trade, so a decline in supply could actually help insurgents since they can charge more for the product.

by: Steven Taylor Thu, 30 Dec 2025 16:04:04 -0500 27423:5763@ Exactly. Exactly.

by: Digger Thu, 30 Dec 2025 19:21:52 -0500 27429:5763@ 2002 was a good year for those drug makers. Huge supply and record price. It was like the dot com boom. I shoulda moved there for a year. 2002 was a good year for those drug makers. Huge supply and record price.

It was like the dot com boom. I shoulda moved there for a year.
