In seriousness, is the PDA caucus old or young? I could imagine it going either way. The Colombian left ihas its share of old-time lefties, but also has attracted a lot of youth disaffected with politics as usual.
]]>In the Colombian House, the uribista parties1 obtained 89 of 163 seats (54.6%) on 50.3% of the votes. Unlike in the Senate, the Liberal party regained its status as the largest party in the lower house, winning 36 seats and thus well outpacing the nex…
]]>Poliblog, by our own Dr. Taylor, is where I found my Colombian election news. Yet is clearly a big deal. Merrill Lynch says sell Peru, buy Colombia after the election results came in. Here’s a local, if Miami is local, connection that heartens m…
]]>Later on, I will link to this from F&V, as I have a few readers who will want to see this. And you have just saved me some research!!