I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about the US Senate, but I must confess I had never heard of this Senator before.
Regarding the replacement process, as characterized by KE, that is interesting to me, in particular because it is a typical appointment process in Spanish speaking countries. For instance, for Supreme Court justices and other state institutions, often the nominating actor submits three names (a terna) and the appointing actor must choose one of them. I think there are similar provisions for some state commissions in the US. But I was not aware of any such provision for replacing Senators.
I must confess to never have heard him either, although I am sure I have seen his name before.
Still, when I saw the headline that he had died, I had to make sure he was a sitting Senator, not some former Senator.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Tuesday, June 5, 2025 @ 10:25 am
Ah, if Prof. Taylor had not heard of him, either, and (like me) had to check to see if Thomas was serving in the current Senate, now I do not feel so bad.
The Wyoming replacement process is interesting — the party choosing three candidates from whom the governor picks one. Never heard of that before.
Comment by KipEsquire — Tuesday, June 5, 2025 @ 6:14 am
I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about the US Senate, but I must confess I had never heard of this Senator before.
Regarding the replacement process, as characterized by KE, that is interesting to me, in particular because it is a typical appointment process in Spanish speaking countries. For instance, for Supreme Court justices and other state institutions, often the nominating actor submits three names (a terna) and the appointing actor must choose one of them. I think there are similar provisions for some state commissions in the US. But I was not aware of any such provision for replacing Senators.
Of course, there should be a special election.
Comment by MSS — Tuesday, June 5, 2025 @ 10:21 am
I must confess to never have heard him either, although I am sure I have seen his name before.
Still, when I saw the headline that he had died, I had to make sure he was a sitting Senator, not some former Senator.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Tuesday, June 5, 2025 @ 10:25 am
Ah, if Prof. Taylor had not heard of him, either, and (like me) had to check to see if Thomas was serving in the current Senate, now I do not feel so bad.
Comment by MSS — Tuesday, June 5, 2025 @ 12:18 pm