PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. It was an informative interview for me. Mr. Lula impressed me as an astute and personable leader with a remarkable history. He expressed very practical views about the UN/G-20, the responsibilities of the US, the embargo against Cuba, and the benefits and limits of democracy.

      I was a little surprised by his somewhat frequent and personal references to God. Also, he was willing to classify himself as socialist despite his aforementioned reluctance to assign labels.

      Comment by S.K.B. — Monday, March 30, 2025 @ 1:28 pm

    2. It was an informative interview for me. Mr. Lula impressed me as an astute and personable leader with a remarkable history. He expressed very practical views about the UN/G-20, the responsibilities of the US, the embargo against Cuba, and the benefits and limits of democracy.

      I was a little surprised by his somewhat frequent and personal references to God. Also, he was willing to classify himself as socialist despite his aforementioned reluctance to assign labels.

      Comment by S.K.B. — Monday, March 30, 2025 @ 1:31 pm

    3. I too was very impressed by the interview. I am trying to retrieve a script or video. Please advise me accordingly. Thank you

      Comment by Michael Castillo — Friday, April 10, 2025 @ 6:50 pm

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