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[...] a far briefer follow-on to the previous post, I propose the following test: if one can rant about how totalitarian one’s government is (or [...]
Pingback by PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Take the Totalitarian Challenge! — Tuesday, March 31, 2025 @ 3:54 pm
Though chances are slim my professor friend will ever actually reply, I suspect the response would include the phrase “rhetorical flourish” (or somethin’ like it), and the notion that, while we’re not a totalitarian state yet, we’re getting closer to it, in much the same way a person who drives from Long Beach City College to Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar B Que, 2.9 miles due east, is “closer” to swimming in the Atlantic ocean. (Had he said “socialist,” I might even see his point, but I’m not so certain that Obama is even “2.9 miles” closer to totalitarianism than was any previous White House occupant, if ya know what I mean…)
Thanks for the much needed dose of reality.
Comment by repsac3 — Tuesday, March 31, 2025 @ 11:41 pm
Rhetorical flourish. I like that. Great euphemism for hyperbole.
Comment by Polimom — Wednesday, April 1, 2025 @ 9:47 am