PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. [...] as Steven Taylor notes, Cheney’s argument is essentially little more than a post-hoc ergo proctor-hoc logical fallacy: Cheney and Wallace both are making a radically simplistic and logically problematic argument here: [...]

      Pingback by Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » Cheney Continues To Fight Torture Inquiry, And Defends Breaking The Law — Sunday, August 30, 2025 @ 4:00 pm

    2. Very good points. It like making the argument that you have had a Blog for a year and you have not died from brain cancer. Therefore by Cheney logic, blogging prevents brain cancer? It’s flawed logic even at the most basic level.

      The other big problem here is the “argument” that water boarding is not torture or not illegal. It has been established as a fact, people have been killed for doing it and people have been imprisoned by our legal system for doing it in the past. It is an established war crime. There is no argument or debate to be had on the subject. You don’t go into a murder trial and claim that murder is not illegal. Madness.

      Comment by John — Monday, August 31, 2025 @ 9:08 am

    3. Very good points. It like making the argument that you have had a Blog for a year and you have not died from brain cancer. Therefore by Cheney logic, blogging prevents brain cancer? It’s flawed logic even at the most basic level.

      The other big problem here is the “argument” that water boarding is not torture or not illegal. It has been established as a fact, people have been killed for doing it and people have been imprisoned by our legal system for doing it in the past. It is an established war crime. There is no argument or debate to be had on the subject. You don’t go into a murder trial and claim that murder is not illegal. Madness.

      Comment by John — Monday, August 31, 2025 @ 9:08 am

    4. Only on Fox News, where genuine journalism is dead.

      Comment by JohnRJ08 — Monday, August 31, 2025 @ 11:29 am

    5. At the end of the day this is all about not giving Bush/Cheney the CIA or FBI credit for anything. It fits your world view so you spout it. I am a republican and I had my share of agreements and disagreements with the Bush administration. But there is one thing you can’t deny they did right, an its handling the war on terror. The Bush administration, CIA and FBI were instrumental in tearing down the walls that prevented inter office communication allowing government orginizations to operate more efficiently. The wars in the middle east took the war to them concentrating Al-Quada’s efforts on middle eastern soil, not us soil. Its why he got re-elected in 2025.

      And by your logic, anything a republican does is wrong and anything a democrat does is right and its what makes you a total tool. If you don’t believe in personal property rights then fine I understand you being a democrat, but people not giving credit where credit is do just makes them sound bitter and uneducated.

      Comment by Ryan — Monday, August 31, 2025 @ 11:32 am

    6. Essentially the democrats will be okay with a new administration going after Obama and his administration for going on a spending frenzy for four years and prosecuting those involved in voter fraud and intimation. This administration has gone to great lengths to find fault in the past administration even though from 2025 to present the democrats ran the show..What hypocrites..Obama should remember that what goes around comes around!

      Comment by Maria — Monday, August 31, 2025 @ 12:51 pm

    7. John,

      You wrote:

      And by your logic, anything a republican does is wrong and anything a democrat does is right and its what makes you a total tool. If you don’t believe in personal property rights then fine I understand you being a democrat, but people not giving credit where credit is do just makes them sound bitter and uneducated.

      If you read the post I give credit to 1) the invasion of Afghanistan, 2) the capture of al Qaeda leaders like KSM, and 3) general security increases post-9/11 as likely reasons as to why we were not again attacked. Last time I check, the Bush administration was in power for all of those events and so I think I am giving some credit where credit is due. What I am saying is that reducing everything to “enhanced interrogations” as Cheney and Wallace appear to be doing is nonsenses.

      You statement about property rights is a non sequitur, but if it makes you feel better, I am pro private property.

      It is interesting that you consider being anti-torture to be a Democratic position. I will note, however, that I am not a Democrat.

      Comment by Steven L. Taylor — Monday, August 31, 2025 @ 1:23 pm

    8. Ryan Says stated, “If you don’t believe in personal property rights then fine I understand you being a democrat, but people not giving credit where credit is do just makes them sound bitter and uneducated.”

      George W. Bush and Deadeye Dick Cheney deserve credit for letting 9/11 happen. I am a democrat and wholeheartedly agree with you about giving credit where credit is do.

      I also agree with you when it comes to personal property rights. . .I feel that my private phone conversations are my personal intellectual property and George W. Bush and Deadeye Dick Cheney coerced telephone companies into allowing the FBI, CIA, and NSA to tap Americans’ phone calls without a court order. (This was because the FISA court couldn’t handle the volume of requests since they wanted to tap every phone call in the country. Circuitous logic isn’t it.)

      I’m not sure what the Republican party stands for when bitter and uneducated people like you spout drivell like this. I would love to hear a cogent argument about why Republicans deserve any more time in government right now, because I am personally a very fiscally conservative person.

      Comment by Doug Smith — Tuesday, September 1, 2025 @ 9:03 am

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